There is a lot of very startling news today.
A new study published by the American Heart Association (AHA) proves the spike protein alone causes lung damage & arterial destruction in lab animals. Read that study here: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of the ACE 2 Now that they have made the Covid vaccinated people's bodies into Spike Protein making factories, this Spike Protein itself is proving to be a danger in and of itself. This totally defeats the purpose of giving out this treatment. There is some good news concerning this study however. They found that NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine) is an effective treatment against the spike protein. This is a natural supplement you can buy, and it's found in turkey, sunflower seeds, yogurt and legumes. I do not peddle supplements, I'm just sharing the information in this study which I think will be helpful in light of all the spike protein shedding that is currently happening. I would grab this before the FDA decides to regulate it or take it off the shelves. Oh wait, they have already been on to this. See article: Amazon verifies it's eliminating NAC from it's website. That's okay, Amazon is complicit in the NWO anyway. Go to your small mom and pop store to get this. Notice the convenient timing of this removal on the heels of this study.

Further revelations were made this week when the Connecticut Department of Health published the full ingredient list of the Moderna vaccine. See the PDF here: The biggest revelation is the ingredient SM-102, which according to the chemical company that produces it, and OSHA, is not fit for "human or veterinary use" and has "acute toxicity" and "causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged and repeated exposure." Below is the OSHA filing on this ingredient: Cayman Medical Company SM-102 (Luciferase). To further complicate matters Chloroform is also used in conjunction with this ingredient in this vaccine which is also highly toxic. For a full report on all of this please see Hal Turner's website article here: Connecticut Publishes Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients: DEADLY POISON "SM-102 - Not for Human or Veterinary Use"

Now for a little good news. India is recovering now that they have widely given Ivermectin to their people. Statistics are proving this but of course the Mainstream media will never tell you this. See Gateway Pundit article: Elites Worried: COVID Cases in India Plummet After Government Promotes Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Use. After the Covid Vaccine die off of the population India abandoned their idols because their idols did not deliver them. It was refreshing to see them bulldoze thousands of their idols in this video: Indian Idols Thrown on the Street. Now for the story that made me lose sleep last night. I hit the ceiling over this one and had to scrape myself off of it, metaphorically speaking. I learned that Dr. Fauci has a wife by the name of Christine Grady, only the good Lord knows why she doesn't go by her husband's last name. She is the head of the Bioethics Department of the NIH (National Institute of Health). Strangely, her Bioethics Department at the NIH is recommending that secret bioenhancement drugs be put in the public drinking water. I know this sounds far out, but it's in their own published studies. It's right there on Pub Med. Here is the abstract below: For the actual Pub Med page go here: Compulsory moral bioenhancement should be covert by Parker Crutchfield.

She believes that bioenhancements, which they hope will be made mandatory, should be secretly put in the public water supply. Where I first saw this story was in a blog post here: Dr. Fauci's wife's secret plan to put psych drugs in the drinking water. I highly encourage you to go to that blog for more detailed information and a lot of revealing proofs. Parker Crutchfield says in his article, "My research in bioethics focuses on questions like how to induce those who are noncooperative to get on board with doing what’s best for the public good. To me, it seems the problem of coronavirus defectors could be solved by moral enhancement: like receiving a vaccine to beef up your immune system, people could take a substance to boost their cooperative, pro-social behavior. Could a psychoactive pill be the solution to the pandemic? So he plans on drugging us in order to get us to comply. He further says this outlandish statement, It’s a far-out proposal that’s bound to be controversial, but one I believe is worth at least considering, given the importance of social cooperation in the struggle to get COVID-19 under control". For documentation see this article: Morality pills’ may be the US’s best shot at ending the coronavirus pandemic, according to one ethicist. Again, this was all found on, news others miss. Everything is sourced, everything is documented. This has to stop, these people are plain out Psychopaths! A highly qualified human rights lawyer, Francis Anthony Boyle, has offered his services to anyone who needs legal help when faced with any demand from their employer to get this dangerous Mrna treatment or lose their job. Boyle was the one who drafted the U.S. domestic legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law. Here is his contact information should anyone need his help:
Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: 217-333-7954
Fax: 217-244-1478
Many Christians claim this is a spiritual war, which is true. But they must keep in mind the Bible says to RESIST the devil, then he will flee (James 4:7). We must resist at every turn. If we do not resist it's an invitation to the devil to come right in. Let's fight with every resource and avenue we have at our disposal. Robert F. Kennedy has been a leader in this fight. His website has the details of legal challenges that are being mounted right now concerning the issues talked about in this letter. I highly encourage everyone to subscribe to his newsletter at The reason why I think it's so important to subscribe to his newsletter is that you will receive extremely important information that could affect your family. Take for example this one item on the list today: DC Law Would Give Vaccine Decisions to Kids 11 or Older Without Parents’ Knowledge or Consent. Yes, many areas are hopping on this bandwagon of changing laws in order to give vaccines to children without their parent's consent! I personally am pulling my child out of public school for good. Please take all this suppressed information to other believers, the time is short. We cannot be sleeping at a time like this. The enemy is working fast and furious. The lies and corruption are so thick that I can hardly believe it. No wonder the Bible specifically says those that loveth and maketh a lie will be thrown in the lake of fire! Revelations 22:15
