If the Big Pharma Companies ever get their FDA Approval, moves could be made to make the Covid19 Vaccine Mandatory. If such a case came before the Supreme Court of the United States to make the vaccine mandatory Amy Coney Barrett would be the deciding factor.
"Chief Justice John Roberts and countless U.S. district court judges across the country have relied on the 1905 mandatory vaccination decision Jacobson v. Massachusetts to allow virtually unlimited power to be exercised by state and local governments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Supreme Court has refused to even review many examples of gross government overreach in the name of “emergency powers.” (Jacobson’s dark history includes justifying forced sterilization of mentally challenged adults, something that is now viewed as barbaric and unconstitutional)...."
"It is highly likely that the Supreme Court will get another opportunity to rule on the issue and decide the bounds of Jacobson v. Massachusetts. The South Bay case itself could make its way back to the Supreme Court soon. A Justice Barrett could be the swing vote on this issue when it returns to court". Article source: here
Barrett sided with the government on almost every civil rights case, every big employer case, every criminal case, while also siding with the government on the lockdowns, on uncompensated takings, on excusing First Amendment infringements & Fourth Amendment violations.
Barrett exclaimed the benefits of Jacobson, the decision that green-lit forced vaccines & carved out an emergency exception to Constitutional protection in "public health" or "emergency" cases used to justify forced sterilizations & detention camps.
Read a good summary from the online Reason Magazine here.