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Russian Prophet, age 10, who died in 1993 Predicted The Mark of the Beast

Updated: Sep 25, 2022

I found a Prophecy, by a Remote Viewer who used to work for the Government under the Stargate Project. I don't really approve of "Remote Viewing", however, he did mention the Bible, Revelation and the Prophets. So, I ask you to test all things. I only posted this because it was over a decade ago and has stunning accuracy, and he also reveals the Mark's connection to an AIDS vaccine. Since the Covid shot causes VAIDS (Vaccine induced Immune Deficiency), they now are working on getting AIDS vaccines to market. The Video link for this is: Ed Dames predicts the Mark of the Beast over a decade ago on the Art Bell Show.

I then came across an even more stunning and very detailed prophecy given by a ten year old Russian boy named Otrok Vyacheslav (who ended up passing away shortly thereafter from Leukemia). This boy lived from 1982 - 1993.

Go to this page for a Transcript of most of his prophecies. This is more detailed than any other prophecy I have come across. It's amazing to me that a ten year old boy would have the capacity to even know these things, see Article: (click on title).

There are a few things that concern me here. I ask myself, since the boy passed, did his mother put her own twist on things? I don't care for how much she exalts her son either. You might want to keep that in mind when you sift through this. But, it is simply amazing for a child to predict this when he only lived until the year 1993. He gives details about the upcoming famine saying it will only last three months, then the government will offer an abundance of food once people cooperate. He talks about how the Christians will be kept safe during this time and none of them will starve. This was kind of a relief to me because I have about 5 months of food and was kicking myself for not having more. I do ask myself if this just pertains to Russia or will this pertain to the whole world. What I didn't like to hear was that they will be forcing this mark on people and that we would not be free to travel if not marked. There are many, many more details that are worth checking into. Ed Dames above prophecy doesn't even come close to the amount of detail this child gives.

Lastly, since it's the Fourth of July. I found this interesting about the date of the founding of our country. The year 1776 is listed on the Seal of the United States in the picture below in Roman Numerals.

I'd like to share an excerpt from a website about this date:

"Now notice the ACTUAL NUMBER OF THE BEAST. We also know that the LITTLE HORN IS THE BEAST. So the NUMBER OF THE LITTLE HORN IS 600, 60 AND 6. We have always ADDED IT TOGETHER, AND THUS WE COME TO THE NUMBER 666. But the actual Greek is comprised of THREE NUMBERS: 600, 60 and 6. It is important to keep that in mind. Here is the actual SEQUENCE, and SEQUENCE in the ANCIENT PROPHETIC WRITINGS IS VERY IMPORTANT:

600 60 6

We do not have to add them together to get the MARK OF THE BEAST OR THE NUMBER OF HIS NAME. John does not tell us to ADD THEM TOGETHER. It is not that we cannot add them together, but the point is John does not TELL US TO ADD THEM TOGETHER. We then will take a different tact to solve the riddle. We will use EXACTLY WHAT THE BIBLE TELLS US: 600, 60 and 6. We will start with the REVERSE GREAT SEAL, the SEAL THAT DANIEL GAVE TO US. Embedded at the base of the PYRAMID ARE THE ROMAN NUMERICAL LETTERS: "MDCCLXXVI".

Now you would normally read that as 1776, which is correct. THAT IS THE "OBVIOUS" MEANING OF THOSE LETTERS. But what is the HIDDEN NUMERICAL VALUE OF THOSE LETTERS? And what if we took all of the Roman Numerals together and added them up? The Romans used the following letters for their number system: DCLXVI with D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, nd I - 1. The M letter was not used until much later. Now if we take these letters and add them all up, we come to 666. If we take them as Scripture gives the number, we come up with this in descending order:

But it does not stop there.

For a more in depth look at this go to article: Is America Babylon?

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