Below is my first video attempt. I apologize for the imperfections in this video, such as the transitions between video clips. It took me two weeks of editing to make this video. My intro. reads:
In this video I show the only office held on earth that has this incredible sphere of influence in the past and the present as well. There is none other like him. He has always rode upon the Whore of Babylon, and in the end will turn on her. Follow this journey with me through time. I start with the present, showing you a man who holds an office that's revered by the World like no other. Then we see all his efforts and how he is in the middle of everything. From ID2020 to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Government to partnering with the Rothschilds and getting ready with George Soros for the Great Reset.
I am pasting below some slides that did not make it into the final version of the video because they take a while to read and I feared I would lose viewers if slides took too long. Below is the segment about what our early Church Leaders and Reformers had to say about the topic of the Antichrist and who he is.
