Someone actually dug Graphine Oxide out of someone's arm. If you don't like the sight of blood, you might not want to view the video below. This footage was obtained on Telegram. I don't recommend anyone go and try to dig this out of anyone's arm.
In the video below you will see how Graphene Oxide assembles in the body.
Injectable devices have been invented. See Science article on PANACEA. PANACEA: An Internet of Bio-NanoThings Application for Early Detection and Mitigation of Infectious Diseases. This information is right out in the open. One might debate that they are not doing this yet. How do we know they aren't doing this yet when people are exhibiting bizarre magnetism which is not normal. It is not normal for any human or animal to be magnetic!
For a lengthier video about this please watch below. I would love to give credit to whoever made this video, but it was posted anonymously on Telegram. In the video below you will see a strong magnet pull a man's skin showing lumps under the surface. Then there are short clips of a man having a black substance surgically taken out of his arm. Then there are various magnetism demonstrations of people from around the globe.