The Dave Hodges show revealed that two insiders told him that elites are conspiring to create an Ebola scare. Dave Hodges inside source is referred to as M&M. Quoting from Hodges article: "M&M believes it is in the spike protein that will lead to a latency effect and mutate into an attack on the respiratory system. Eventually, this attack, will look like Ebola as the person bleed out of every cavity in their body. M&M believes that the responsible agent is anthrax and it has been weaponized to mimic Ebola in delayed response in the vaccine".
Another quote from the article: "This person is afraid for their life and they were a federal health employee, who had access to the information that led this doctor to this conclusion. KILLSHOT #2 IS IN THE VACCINE AND THE EFFECT IS LATENT. THE DEATH WILL LOOK LIKE EBOLA AND THAT WILL CAUSE PEOPLE TO PANIC AND WILL EASY FOR THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION TO MANAGE."
To read Dave Hodges full article please go here: Two Insiders Claim That the Vaccine Contains Latent Weaponized Anthrax Which Will Manifest As Ebola
I have come across two prophecies where people have predicted that Ebola will be the next scare. Here is a video below where Jeff Byerly gives his prediction.
Another prediction was posted on Believe Acts 2 Website back in 2019. See that post here: The Planned Ebola Pandemic
Will this be how it all transpires? We shall see, we are to WATCH and PRAY. Bleeding definitely has been noticed as a problem even now with this Mrna gene editing program. Please see my blog post here about a man's nosebleed. It was horrific, the sink was filled with more blood than you'd see from a gunshot wound. Blood Clot nosebleeds after the Shot.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny shares about the abundance of bleeding reports she's received at my blog post here: Sherri Tenpenny reports on baby who passed blood clots after exposure to the vaxxed
1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 20 Do not despise prophecies,21 but test everything; hold fast what is good.
You might also might be interested in the Predictive TV Programming about Ebola in the Helix series.