Two-thirds of the Christian world is seeped into Jesuit End Times Eschatology and they do not even realize it. Why is this important? Because we are living in the last hour and it's imperative that we are not duped. Traps have been set for us, and we need to avoid them!
Why did they infiltrate prophecy? Because the devil used them to throw the Christians off track. The Beast is hidden in plain sight! Paul of Off Grid Desert Farming recently had a video titled, "We are all Post-Trib now." Listen my friends, those who are Post Trib and Pre Trib are still wrapped up in Jesuit Eschatology. It's not even a matter of being Pre, Post or Mid Trib. It's a matter of being set up to look for an "Antichrist". While Christians play pin the tail on the donkey, the Beast system has been hedging them in daily.
Shockingly Christians have been duped into thinking that if they help pay for the Jews to get back to Israel and if they buy temple coins to help fund the building of their desired third temple, that they will help God set up his "plan for Israel." Christians have been taught Dispensationalist lies that claim that God has one plan for Christians and another plan for Israel. Where did they get these ideas? From John Nelson Darby and Cyrus Scofield, who long ago, got them from Jesuit Priests!
I am creating a series of videos tracing these teachings back to the Jesuits. (I tried to make them a little bit entertaining. I really hope you don't mind a little bit of comic relief I put into my videos.)
I have started a series of videos which takes a trip back in time to trace the beginnings of the Jesuit infiltration and End Times Bible prophecy and why it was done. Click on the three pictures below and it should bring you to the videos. Some were not allowed on Youtube, so in that instance I listed a BitChute link. If you have buffering issues go to the bottom of the page for alternative channels.
Trey Smith, who pumped up the false Trump Prophets, said that end times prophecy cannot happen unless a third temple is built. Many Christians actually still believe this. Unless a man comes to sit in this third temple they think that the Mark of the Beast can't possibly be here yet. Please read my friend James Arendt's article: The Third Temple Deception.
During my research on Dispensationalism I was shocked to find out some things about John Nelson Darby. When I first heard that his family had owned Ireland's most haunted Castle for Centuries I was in doubt. But then when I looked it up, sure enough, it was true. Not only that, you have his own parishioners tell accounts of Darby's Poltergeist. The history of the Castle is beyond horrendous. Initially, I only expected to find out Darby had been influenced by a young Scottish visionary, Margaret MacDonald. I do start this video out by going into his meeting with Margaret MacDonald. Then I show how her vision was about a very New Age type of return of Christ. All this information was so shocking to me. I haven't even begun to scratch the surface yet when it comes to Darby. Please subscribe to my BitChute video page as they allow all my videos. Youtube tends to not allow certain videos of mine most likely due to my use of movie video clips. I don't monetize but they still sometimes like to ban my videos. The only way to make sure you are able to see each new video is to subscribe to BitChute.
My next endeavor is to look into John Darby's connection to Theosophy and Freemasonry. The Freemasons say there is no record of Darby being a Freemason, but they find it curious the statements he made about Freemasonry. Here is a link to the Grand Lodge website where they quote John Darby. It really leaves one to wonder, based on his quotes. It made the Freemasons wonder so much that they put it on their website. Link to page: John Nelson Darby on Freemasonry.
If you encounter buffering issues I have these same videos on other platforms that you can go to here: