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Jesuit Infiltration into Bible Prophecy Videos

Writer's picture: Freed From EvilFreed From Evil

Updated: Dec 26, 2021

All along I knew that some things were not making sense. This whole fighting over when the Rapture is going to occur has caused a lot of division among the Saints. I was always Post Tribulation, but even that at times did not really totally make sense. The video below is an introduction video about topics I am in the process of covering.

In my next video I begin to address the origins of these false End Times teachings. Both of these false End Time hypotheses come from Jesuit Priests which were later accepted in Protestant circles. Please don't think that just because I am exposing Rome, the Vatican, and the Papacy that I am in any way a Seventh Day Adventist. I know that they often expose Rome, but they do put their own spin on things which I adamantly disagree with. I am a Bible believing Christian that does not identify with these sects. Unfortunately, the Mainstream Evangelical Christian church has swallowed Roman Catholic End Times teachings hook, line and sinker. This includes myself, as I once believed the Dispensational theories. I did not realize at the time where these theories came from. I have recently had an eye opening experience having realized how the Dispensationalists came up with a 7 year Tribulation.

Apparently they (meaning people like Hal Lindsey and crew), have taken the last week of Daniel's 70 week prophecy and thrown it out into the distant future. They cut the last week off and toss it into the future a few thousand years with no Biblical directions whatsoever to do so. They make this passage about Antichrist when it's really about Jesus. They try to say that the Antichrist makes a Covenant with the Jews in the future. No, it's about Jesus making a Covenant with us with his own blood. They then go on to say that this Antichrist breaks his Covenant with the Jews and stops animal sacrifices. Well, it's really Jesus who stopped the animal sacrifices already! That prophecy was fulfilled with the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. That is the desolation, that's it. It was all fulfilled in Jesus, but they turned it on it's head and made it about the Antichrist. Their interpretation is a newer one. Historically it's not what the early believers thought or taught. I am trying to make videos to show where these teachings began and how they got passed along to the present day and marketed to the Christians with Left Behind movies and a fictional book series.

Below are two slides taken from the second video which illustrate both the true timeline and the false one that was concocted.


I am going to post the passage in question below. When I first tried to understand it differently I actually had a problem with a vice-grip planted in my mind which was forcing me to see it their way. I had a hard time seeing it any other way even when I knew the truth! Does this happen to you when you read the passage below?

Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Look at this verse in context. You see it's talking about Messiah.

Daniel 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

The reason that I had a hard time seeing this verse as being about Jesus was because of years of seeing visuals and hearing pastors draw an imaginary picture in my mind of an Antichrist that is supposed to sit in some rebuilt temple in Jerusalem claiming to be God. How many people have that imaginary scenario deeply planted in their imaginations?

I always knew that Jesus put an end to the animal sacrificial system. I always wondered why on earth God would get angry with an Antichrist that would stop animal sacrifices. That would actually be a good action because the very act of doing animal sacrifices for sin is now actually an abomination to God! This supposed Antichrist would actually be doing a commendable action. This never made sense.

The implications of this false teaching is that both the Pre and Post-Tribbers are wrong because we have been working with a FALSE narrative and timeline in the first place. So while Post-Tribbers are trying to warn the Pre-Tribbers they won't be ready for the Tribulation because they are going to fly out of here and miss the whole thing; the Post-Tribbers are also fooled because they think that a whole false scenario has to happen first before Jesus comes back. So Jesus could come back when they least expect it, because they are looking at the wrong signs.

I have stumbled upon some videos that I think are absolutely excellent that I want to recommend, that I think you will enjoy. This man makes it very simple and his graphics make it easy to follow. He has a very entertaining way of explaining things as well. You will just love how he presents his material. So I highly recommend his videos. Truth Cat Media:

You will love that man's video series. No, he's not pushing a Church or Denomination either. I just found his videos the other day. On another note, a Pastor you probably have heard of, Chuck Baldwin, who had taught Dispensationalism most of his life has now come to realize that it is a faulty theory and is seeking to expose it. He is the fellow that ran for President some time back under the Constitution Party. He has actually publicly repented of teaching this error and is on a mission now to expose it. He will be preaching a sermon about it on Jan. 16th that he promises will be explosive. I hope things are going to take a turn and we can dump all these falsehoods that have been promulgated over the years to throw us off track.

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