Don't think that opposing the draconian medical tyranny won't help. The people of France are the best at resisting and they have made some gains. A judge recently overturned Macron's ban of the unvaccinated from grocery stores. Read this article here: Victory in France: Judges Overturn Macron's Decree to Deny Food to the Unvaccinated (Video).
Excerpt: "French judges have taken action against President Emmanuel Macron’s oppressive and discriminatory coronavirus vaccination requirements. This past week, judges in two different French departments overturned Macron’s decree’s making the health pass compulsory in several shopping centers. Instead, the judges ruled that it prevented access to essential goods to people who do not have them."
Below you will see the French eating outside of restaurants opposing the mandates banning them from going inside. Bravo to the people of France for standing up for their rights. They are an example to us.