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Mark of the Beast Started in France and Australia

Writer's picture: Freed From EvilFreed From Evil

Updated: Aug 4, 2021

Christians have had pre-contrived ideas set in their minds about what the Mark of the Beast is way before it came along. At first it was going to be UPC codes, then it was going to be micro-chip implants in the hand. After that it was going to be Luciferase tattoos. For some it's even the Covid shot itself because it contains nanotechnology whose ingredients are Luciferase and self assembling Graphite which is highly conductive and can be used for internet transmission if developed to do so. While everyone is arguing over what exactly the Mark of the Beast looks like; France and Australia now have systems put in place where you cannot BUY or SELL without their stamp of approval, whether it be a Covid Passport QR code on your phone or a piece of paper, you still hold that in YOUR HAND. May I suggest that the Mark is all of the above IF it's preventing you from BUYING AND SELLING just like the book of Revelation says? Please listen to these two personal accounts from France and Australia. They are very moving and written by citizens who are living it now. What happens when their money runs out because they cannot work? They can't eat. These people are telling you that it's gotten to that point NOW. Please circulate these two accounts and get the word out because this could be coming to your country too!


Passing this urgent cry for prayer and help on from Mandy in Australia. "The media is not only lying but also suppressing the truth and real news. You can be almost certain this tyranny will spread around the globe in lockstep. --------- Brethren in Christ please pray.


My name is Mandy I’m in Sydney Australia and we are URGENTLY URGENTLY URGENTLY needing some help!!!!!! Urgent media coverage on our corrupt government. ABOVE ALL ELSE WE ALSO NEED URGENT URGENT URGENT PRAYER!!!!!!

THE MILITARY ARE NOW IN CONTROL ALONG WITH THE POLICE (we are basically under martial law, they just twist all the words not to announce it!!) THIS IS NOT A JOKE! WE NEED PRAYERS, WE NEED WORLDY NOISE TO HELP US IN NEW SOUTH WALES.

I understand there are so sooooo many people who need help & prayer and yes we aren’t a third world country, but our people need help!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEEE make some noise public for us!!! We are getting censored. We are being removed. We are in our 6th week STAGE 5 lockdown. We can not leave the house AT ALL (only for food once a day & exercise more than 5kms in some areas, 10kms in the other areas). APARTMENT BLOCKS full of families & people LOCKED IN with no access to leave by MILITARY and POLICE. The POLICE, have just been given AUTHORITY BY OUR PRIME MINISTER TO SHUT DOWN ANYONE and ANY BUSINESS, ANY PARK, ANY PUBLIC SPACE, beaches, shops, roads, and public transport if they feel like COMPLIANCE isn’t happening!! I know I’m asking a lot but we are DESPERATE!!! They HAVE now MANDATED ALL OUR LAST YEAR HIGHSCHOOLERS TO GET VACCINATED. They have just announced tonight ...

Our lockdown has just been extended another 4 weeks minimum, until September... THE PRIME MINISTER HAS ANNOUNCED, only those that get vaccinated will be released from lockdown with special rules applying to them to live freely! The rest of us unvaccinated are in lockdown until we do!! No work, no seeing our families, our friends, shopping centres, restaurants, cafes, Grocery stores!!!! To be announced only for the vaccinated!!!!"


From my Brother in France ....

I know the source but he's asked me not to share his name.


"Here in France it has gone to the extreme with the "Health" Pass. Last week on the 21st ALL restaurants, bars, coffee shops, and any leisure activities like sporting events, theaters, cinemas, museums, were closed to anyone without "the pass" and all staff at these places are mandated to get the jab to keep their job.

It is now a 6 Month prison sentence if you are caught inside any of these places without the pass (the man who slapped the president in the face got only 3 months prison time). Business owners will get a fine of 45,000 euros and 1 year prison sentence if they do not comply with the use of "the pass" and force all their employees to get the jab. (If you know France, you can commit murder and have less of a sentence)

So the result? All the low paid employees quit, they can make more on welfare here. (for now) We can still technically "get take out food" but I just tried last night and every restaurant in our town (that is dine in with take out) has closed their doors due to the lack of staff.

As of last week ALL doctors, nurses and health industry workers have been mandated to get the jab or lose their license, practice, job, business etc. (ALL health care here is Govt paid positions and there are no private health care Doctors or Hospitals etc.)

Since the Health care system is state run and funded, it has been run into the ground. All the good doctors left France 5 Years ago, all the hospitals look like they are 3rd world hospitals since there is no money to repair them, half of the equipment doesn't work and not every hospital is stocked with supplies needed for daily needs (masks, gels, disposable gowns etc).

For 5 years Nurses have been understaffed and doing double the work because the Health care system is nearly bankrupt.... So add to this the mandatory jab.

So the result? Well they took to the streets by the millions and now all the hospitals just lost another 50% of staff capacity. My doctor just went into early retirement (a.k.a. he quit) and I have yet to find a replacement.

As of Aug 1st ALL large malls, retail stores and grocery store owners and their staff need to be jabbed and the health pass is required to enter for employees and customers. This would be the equivalent to closing ALL Targets, Walmarts, Costcos, Home Depots, and all major grocery stores. (basically any building over 20,000 squre meters) to those without "the pass".

Result.?? Aug 15th Truckers will be going on strike nation wide; Blocking all access roads in and out of Paris. Yesterday an entire airport in Northern France closed due to the majority of staff quitting. As of Sept 15th All public areas and access will be off limits. No farmers markets, no parks, no national parks, lakes, rivers, beaches, recreation areas, campsites etc. and no gathering over 100 people, no churches, no weddings, etc.

As of Oct 1st ALL small vendors such as, delis, pizza trucks, sandwich shops, butchers, bakers, vegetable stands etc. So as of Oct 1st I will only be able to purchase food by internet and pick up (if allowed). Food shortages, Truckers strike, hospitals and airports shutting down unemployment going through the roof. Its going to be a bumpy ride folks.

Is it me or does all this seem a bit extreme for a "pass" that isn't exactly working?"

We can also add Pakistan to this list of those who have begun to clamp down on their citizens. See article: Covid-19: Pakistan to ban education, malls, air travel for unvaccinated

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