My oldest child is affected by Tourettes, which are involuntary tics. He did not get this condition directly due to vaccines because he's never been vaccinated. He has damaged genetics. The doctors cannot figure out why. My guess is because I grew up around two toxic waste dumps that were on the Nation's top ten list. This is why I cannot understand why anyone would willingly jeopardize ruining their genetics. Below are a few examples of side effects from the Covid Jab.
For anyone thinking this woman is "faking" it. I know Tourettes when I see it. They can get limited control of the movements but must make them, including sounds. I experimented with holding my son's hands down and then his legs would move uncontrollably. The Dr. says there is a loop in their brain that keeps on firing. No, this woman is not faking her condition. It's an awful thing to accuse someone of who is suffering like this.
This is a crime against the human race of unfathomable proportions. If this were any other product they'd remove it immediately. But due to demonic Globalist pressure, this continues. Pray for an end of this travesty.
Revelation 8:3-5 Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.
This young lady's mother has written about the injury from the Covid19 injection below:
Donna Hadfield-lowe is feeling heartbroken.
10 Days since Injection Astrazeneca, 4 drs, 4 hospital visits, all they say is neurological,wait for a appointment, going to see OUR go today hopefully she can organise something to make these jerks STOP PLEASE , my girl is so exhausted.
UPDATE:- Update, still not better have tried a few natural products that slow them but nothing has stopped them or relieved her completely or permanently.
26th may No change.... on 3 different natural products that slow them done, still NO medical answers or suggestions on how to fix 2nd video taken on 28th may 4hrs after all her medication, still not stopping them, AT Least she can manage this, if she misses just one of her oils she is back to full on shakes.
UPDATE My poor girl, jab on 27th March now 1st July. NOT GETTING BETTER GETTING WORSE!!!!!!!
yes l am screaming, having EEG today not expecting miracles is GC hospital... Stupid ppl.. PEOPLE BE AWARE OF WHAT YOUR PUTTING IN YOUR BODY. Life sucks at the moment for my girl. She has a fit bit since getting up at 8:30 it has registered 4473 steps and burnt 1250 cal,. So in 1 1/2 hrs over 4000 steps well shakes, has to be bad to register as steps... Grrrrr now affects her walking too as you can see in video.