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My Statement about Sabrina Wallace and Psi-Energy and Piloerection


It has come to my attention that at least three different Christians I know are uncomfortable with some of the methods Sabrina Wallace recommends to fight the Electronic tethering programs to humans or WBAN and similar things. She uses "Psi Energy", saying it's our own natural biofield.  I do acknowledge that scientifically we all do have a biofield. She is correct in that assessment, however, how we fight off this electronic nano and radio frequency warfare is not going to be very successful if it's only fought in the flesh. Which I feel she is attempting to do. I am not explicitly condemning her because this is where she is at right now, but encourage everyone to pray for her. She has a background that is not necessarily Christian and a great great grandfather named Eliphas Levi who was absolutely deeply entrenched into the occult and taught it. Anyone with a background of ancestry so deeply involved in the occult needs deliverance from generational spirits. Sabrina hasn't mentioned that she's ever gone through deliverance unless I missed her mentioning that. 


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Sabrina Wallace teaches that people must get into a state of Piloerection in order to fend off this electronic warfare. Despite her having an incredibly evil ancestor, I am not in any way claiming that her method is evil nor occultic. It is simply put, fighting in the flesh. Here is a quick definition: 


Piloerection—also known as goosebumps or goose pimples—is the contraction of small muscles at the base of hair follicles resulting in visible erection of hair.  I encourage you to read this scientific paper which details how this state does affect us, physically and emotionally. This is purely a scientific paper.  The physiological study of emotional piloerection: A systematic review and guide for future research  This state clearly does have benefits on the emotions and the body as well.  But, we as Christians can achieve healthy states, and even defensive stances through prayer and obedience to God and listening to his voice. I would encourage a method that is in direct connection to God himself with him using the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit to direct us, rather than our own efforts. 


I am going to now tell you about some of my childhood experiences in order to explain to you why Sabrina may be resorting to such an approach. As a child I was not raised as a Christian. My mother was into the occult and was a self practitioner. She drew up Astrology Charts and made predictions using Tarot cards and other such things. As a result her activities brought demons into our home. I was affected although I wasn't participating in her occultism. I had merely gone and touched her Tarot cards when she was out of the house one time. I looked at the pictures on each card as a curious 13 year old. Then I went and laid down on the couch.  All of a sudden I was paralyzed and could not move although I was totally awake. I was able to see the room through my eyelids although they were closed. Each attempt to move led to intense pain in the back of my head (the medulla area). I could not even scream as that gave me pain in the back of my head. I had no choice but to lay there paralyzed. Then all of a sudden the whole room turned silver colored. Then I heard laughter coming from all around the entire room, and one laugh was louder and deeper than all the rest.  Then finally it subsided and I came out of it and was able to move again. I got up immediately, shocked at what had happened. Then a few other times I would suddenly be paralyzed when laying down and I would feel as if my spirit was being astral projected out of me. It didn't get very far as I always resisted it, not wanting such a thing to happen. Soon I learned that being in very ALERT states would prevent this type of thing from happening to me. So, I would sleep with the light on in my room and stay awake until I was exhausted and then fall asleep, avoiding the in-between relaxation phase. This helped me. This was all I knew to do because I wasn't taught to pray to God or about spiritual warfare. I didn't even know about what Jesus did for us on the cross at that time. It was all I knew to do. Not until later on, when I was 15 years old after a very terrifying experience did I seriously seek God. After seeking God to be protected I read a book about "How to be Born Again".  That was actually the title of the book. I didn't even know I needed to be born again at the time. But, this is how I learned about the gospel and what Jesus did to save me. So I gave my life to Christ on Sept. 3rd, 1980.  That is when I learned what the Bible said about the spirit world. I was later read to a Christian bookstore where I found various books on spiritual warfare and how to deal with demons. I prayed several things and then no longer did spirits come to try to project me out of my body. I was able to sleep with the light off and didn't have to be hyper alert anymore.


Sabrina did warn in one of her videos to avoid being in suggestive passive states because it makes it easier for you to be controlled. There's a whole lot of truth to this. It's what the Hindu religion uses and many other cults. They have you repeat a repetitive chant and empty your mind, which causes you to be passive and a spirit will come in easier and take control. It's even used in some apostate Christian movements where they will sing a repetitive chorus ten times in order to put people in passive and suggestive states. In the past whole revivals were subverted when people opened themselves up to excessive passive states and kundalini spirits took over some people. This happened in the early 1900's during the Welsh Revival. A woman named Jesse Penn Lewis wrote an excellent book called, "War on the Saints" in order to educate Christians about how the Kundalini spirit was invading the Church and how to scripturally resist it. In her book, which I highly recommend, she gives all the scriptures that teach us that we need to be alert and not fall into passive states. 1 Peter 5:8 says, "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." From this I learned that Christian mediation wasn't emptying the mind, but pondering actively on the Scriptures. The very fact that the Bible says we should be self-controlled and that it's a fruit of the spirit shows that God doesn't want to take us over, but instead wants us to work cooperatively with him as he gently shows us the way, to where our will becomes his will.  We stay in constant connection with God through the Holy Spirit. The wicked counterfeit is his tethering to humans through various means. 


People such as Sabrina Wallance and her friend who goes by the name of Juxtaposition teach resistance to these technologies, but they are not teaching active spiritual warfare through Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit.  So, I cannot recommend that their methods. Yet, I am not going to condemn them either. Many are coming out of the plans of the wicked one and haven't found their way out yet. I simply refuse to go and smear reputations and label people, because I was once in their shoes although I was only a youngster. I pray they seek God and I think we should also pray that for them. However, I would ask that if anyone does post any of their information to put a little disclaimer on it please. 


I do want to recommend a few people who are informing us of the electronic, nano and frequency weapons. One such person is Celeste Solum, former FEMA employee. She gives out information, yet directs you to practical and Christian ways to fight back. She recommends Dan Duval of Bride Ministries who has several sample prayers to pray against Electronic warfare. Here are a few:

Technology Prayer

Freedom from Synthetic Genetics

Removal of Spiritual Devices Prayer


I am not finding very many ministries addressing these issues. If you know of any others, please post them. We might be the only FB webpage to take this approach with WBAN and all this other information that is coming out. Be on guard Saints.


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