Anti-Zionist Jews, I found out that they aren't what they seem. Although they are against what Israel is doing right now, which is a good thing, they have however, abandoned the actual Bible for their Lurian Messiah and believe you can only interpret the Old Testament Torah books with the Talmud and Kabbalah. This actually "nullifies the Word of God by their traditions." (Mark 7:13), as Jesus says.
List of Anti-Zionist Jewish groups:
American Council for Judaism in the United States
Anarchists Against the Wall in Israel
Edah HaChareidis in Israel
Jerusalem Faction in Israel
Jewdas in the United Kingdom
Independent Jewish Voices in the United Kingdom and Canada
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network based in the United States
Jewish Voice for Peace in the United States[1]
Malachim in the United States
Mishkenos HoRoim in Israel
Satmar in the United States
Shomer Emunim in Israel
Neturei Karta in Israel, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States
Sikrikim in Israel
Een Ander Joods Geluid in the Netherlands
These Jews plan to move in on the scene after current Israel finds itself destroyed by their enemy. They think their Messiah will come and put them into the place of prominence after Iran and the USA duke it out. As much as I like these Anti-Zionist Jews I have to keep in mind that they don't follow our Savior Jesus Christ. They are misled by their Talmudic and Kabbalistic books. Please see my new video below: (press on graphic).
I had a real fondness for Rabbi Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta and have him featured in some of my videos. I did hear him say, "The Torah says, blah, blah, blah" in his speeches when he was really referring to the Talmud. What people don't know is that these Jews call their Talmud "The Torah", which is not technically correct, because the Torah are the first five Old Testament books and have nothing to do with the Talmud. As a result of this information, I am going to not feature the Anti-Zionist Jews in my videos anymore, although I do like them. If I do feature them, it will only be to expose them, that they are waiting for a Messiah that's not Jesus Christ. I did fall into the trap of calling them "the real Jews" or "the true Jews." We should know as Christians that the devil wants to play every side. Bottom line is, if they don't serve Jesus Christ and believe in the actual Word of God and preach another gospel, well, Apostle Paul says, "let them be accursed." Galatians 1:8 So, I can't paint them in the wonderful way they are portraying themselves to the public right now, as being the real Jews or true Jews. All Jews that adhere to the lies of the Talmud and Kabbalah are false. There are no true ones.
I'm not saying they are bad people. I actually like them. But, they are believing a lie. If a false Messiah comes on the scene and all the Zionist Jews are pretty much destroyed then we have Satan just creating another lie for the masses to follow. This might be the actual end goal of Satan to usher in the Antichrist Messiah while doing the dirty work of destroying huge numbers of Jews yet again, and then introducing new Jewish "Saviors." We have to throw out the leaven, Judaism is not of God. They don't serve the same God, no matter what kind of Jew.
I've come to the realization that Christians don't really know what Jews believe. They are under the impression that the Jews just try to follow the Old Testament. This is not the case. They follow the Talmud. Here is a link to where you can find out what the Talmud books actually teach go here: 100 Worst of the Talmud.
They also follow the Kabbalah and view Luria as a Messiah type figure. Find out about the Kabbalah from the video below: