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Coming out of the Dispensationalist Cult (Part 1)

Writer's picture: Freed From EvilFreed From Evil

Updated: Nov 20, 2021

Many of us have come to realize that the Pre-Tribulation Rapture teaching promoted by Cyrus Scofiled and John Nelson Darby, then heavily promoted by Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins of the Left Behind Series is a bit off. I could never really truly ascribe to this Pre-Tribulation Rapture theory so I became what is called a "Post-Tribulation" believer, which means a person who thinks Jesus returns at the end when the 7th Trumpet it blown.

Although I had seen a few videos exposing Scofield and Darby as well as Dispensationalism, I didn't realize that I actually was still heavily influenced by Dispensationalism without realizing it. It wasn't until I heard about how Daniel 9:27 had been twisted and misapplied to create a future 7 year scenario that I started to question things. See my article: There is no 7 yr. Tribulation, it's 3 and a half years.

Before I go any further I want to share a very well done video that exposes Dispensationalism. Surprisingly, this video was made by Baptists, but these Baptists are in the minority because most Baptists today have an allegiance to Dispensationalism. I strongly urge you to take the time to watch this because it's a very thorough overview. Ironically, Baptists tend to be King James only in belief as far as Bible versions but cling tenaciously to the Scofield Reference Bible.

The Bible says to watch our lives and doctrine closely in 1 Timothy 4:16. For those who have a desire for truth and to come out of this heresy, realize that Dispensationalism, although it's a newer End Times eschatology, accounts for 2/3 of the Christian world! They have planted their end times ideas into the Christian populace so thoroughly that we don't even realize that we have bought into their ideas. They have set the framework for our understanding of the End Times.

Realize that the Bible warns us in Matthew Chapter 24:24 "...false messiahs and FALSE PROPHETS will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."

The devil has us looking for so many other deceptions like an Alien Invasion, so that we won't recognize the deception that has gone on right under our noses that even we have been misled by. I now ask you to come thoroughly out of this cult. One Pastor named Chuck Baldwin has actually come out and publicly repented of this false teaching. I invite you to watch his video below where he announces this. He also brings up some very important points. That Dispensationalism teaches Israel Based Prophecy, but we should be teaching Jesus Based Prophecy. This whole notion that God has a different plan for the Jews than he does for the Gentiles in regards to salvation is a serious error.

John Hagee goes so far with this notion that he claimed Jesus is not the Messiah to the Jews. Dispensationalists teach that the "Age of Grace" will be over after their rapture. My question is, so then does it revert back to the Age of Law for the humans left behind? These ages or dispensations are wrongly dividing the Scriptures. John Hagee is Dispensationalism on steroids. See his little commercial below:

Dispensationalism promotes Dual Covenant Theology, where they invent a totally different set of standards that God will use for the Jews in comparison to the Gentiles. But the Bible says that Jesus made a Covenant with his own blood, there is no Covenant other than this that will save anyone regardless of whether they are a Jew or a Gentile. This one verse smashes their false theology: Galatians 3:29 says, If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

So let's wipe the slate clean of the Dispensational ideas that have been cemented into our brains that skew our interpretations.

I invite you to read Part 2 in this series: Coming out of the Dispensational Cult (Part 2)



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