That's an interesting name they chose. Omega means "last". It's even more interesting that Bennett says this variant bypasses the "vaccine". It's a big "I told you so". Expert Luc Montagnier warned about this, and nobody listened. See article: Nobel Laureate Warns: COVID Vaccine is Creating Variants.
Do you think the people will catch on? I bet they won't. I believe they needed a way to cover for the failure of the vaccine and it's deadly side effects. The gullible will fall for this and keep on pandering to Big Pharma. Those who know better will live to witness the worst Big Pharma Billion dollar murder spree in human history.
Prophet Jeff Bryerly warned of this last year. See his video warning here at an old Blog post of mine: Insiders say that Latent items in Vax will Manifest as Ebola in the future
Now the new variant has been renamed Omicron. Oddly, there was a movie by this name where an alien takes over a woman's body in order to learn about the planet, so it's race can take over.
Link to the full Sci-fi movie: