As much as we don't want this, it's not going away.
It may heighten your morale, as it does mine, to see the people in New York City standing up to tyranny. In NYC, non-GMO humans aren't allowed into any public places anymore, so they are outside, protesting. They effectively shut down this Covid test site by surrounding it and chanting at the top of their lungs, "Freedom over fear!" See video at my blog post here: NYC Shouts Down Test Site.
There will be legal challenges made as vaccine mandates in America are a matter of unsettled law. The decisions at the Supreme Court level will pave the way forward. I am not confident that any good ruling will come out of the Supreme Court and if anyone does not know yet, the new Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett, is a proponent of forced vaccinations. I mentioned this in an earlier blog here: When the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Forced Vaccination. Pray for the Christians in NYC to put up a good fight because I don't think justice will come by the courts.
The pressure is mounting and the turncoats are in plain view at this point. Former atheist, Dr. Francis Collins, is openly advocating forced vaccinations. This is a man who was on the Christian Broadcasting Network, 700 Club, promoted as a Christian, telling everyone to take the experimental Shot. Francis Collins believes we came from Monkeys. I read it in his own book. He believes in Evolution and his Jesuit ties run very deep. He's always been a colleague with Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci. Now he wants you to become transhuman by force. This is no Christian. See my blog post here for further details: Francis Collins, NIH Director, Pushing Forced Vaccination.
The Satanic agenda is being forced on our military right now, announced right from the Pentagon! They are confident that the FDA will give full approval for the kill shot giving a possible date of mid-September. They want all the Military given the transhuman shot first so they then can force it on the rest of the population after this FDA Approval. If they do grant approval, I will consider it standing for the "FULLY DEMONIZED ADMINISTRATION!" There are legal loopholes that servicemen can use right now to fight the vaccination, as listed on my blog page here: Military Tries to Force the Vaxx. We can all thank former President Trump for the Military forcing the kill shot, because it was his idea that the Military administer the shot through Operation Warp Speed.
A new bill has been introduced called H.R.666 - Anti-Racism in Public Health Act of 2021. The bill description reads as follows: "This bill establishes within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) a National Center on Antiracism and Health and a law enforcement violence prevention program. Among other activities, the new center must declare racism a public health crisis, collect and analyze data, and administer research and grant programs to address racism and its impact on health and well-being. Additionally, the bill specifically directs the CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, in coordination with the Department of Justice and other relevant stakeholders, to carry out the law enforcement violence prevention program by conducting research and supporting other activities pertaining to law enforcement violence and public health." The controllers are having a hey-day aren't they? Racism is now a public health matter? Racism is going to equate to you not going by what narrative they are pushing at the time. Currently, "Black and Hispanic people remain less likely than their White counterparts to have received a vaccine" according to ethnicity Covid data. Truth is, that minorities are experiencing discrimination right now like not being allowed entrance to restaurants and other public venues due to not offering themselves up to this dangerous experimental shot! Pray this does not pass. They are so "in our face" with numbering the bill 666!
Now for the crazy story of the day, there always seems to be one. Take a look at Sydney Australia Quarantined Homes. These homes are taped off like a crime scene! Sydney has really gone over the top! Also included in this post: Independent Broadcaster AnOmaly interviews Australians and gets horrific first hand accounts of what is really going on there. The draconian measures are beyond belief! People can only go so far from their homes, their license plates are scanned to see if they are staying in their neighborhoods. They are constantly surveillanced with helicopters. Police invade people's own back yards to demand masks be worn! You get harassed and ticketed if you don't wear a mask even while driving alone in your car. I suppose the only peace these people get is in their own bathroom with the door shut.
Our own CDC in the United States has an outline on their website for isolating those who pose a risk by throwing them into "camps" and calling certain areas "Green Zones". Remember when the Nazi's set up alleged health camps? See the CDC website page here to see what's in store for folks if they get their way: Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings. I always wondered about the passage in the Bible that says, "Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death." I always wondered how it could come to that, now I am seeing it clearly. If someone turns over a relative for not being inoculated with the mRNA shot, and it's forced on them, then they are turning their relative over to death. They may or may not realize what they are doing, but I see this coming. I am sure you will start seeing programs where people are told to turn in the unvaccinated.
Another brave doctor has stepped forward to expose the Transhuman Genetic Mutating shot. Hear his short warning here: DR RYAN N COLE: A PATHOLOGIST'S SUMMARY OF WHAT THESE INJECTIONS DO TO YOUR BRAIN & OTHER ORGANS
And lastly, I feature this video by Independent Broadcaster AnOmaly. I encourage you to bookmark him on Youtube or other video channels. His free email list is at He is a very knowledgeable young Christian man who has steadily been speaking out. Like myself, he once was a Trump fan, but now has seen the compromise. His reporting is excellent and well documented. Please see his video: Donald Trump vs. Rand Paul: Why Is Trump Jabbing At Rand Right Now? After this video you will see clearly which politicians are actually on our side fighting against mandatory vaccines. Christians, Trump is not your friend. Trump will not stop any of the above things mentioned in this newsletter but will only advance them. Quote from AnOmaly, "Because it's Donald Trump, roll out the red carpet, everybody just licks his boots, and won't dare question his lack of leadership against the Medical Tyranny... The way forward in my strategy is to identify that the Overton window keeps flying toward psychotic. The Democrats get psychotic, the medical establishment and bureaucrats get psychotic, and the Republicans just follow them, justify half of what they are doing, and pitch you the idea of Psychotic Lite. If they go full Socialist, the Republicans go Socialist too, but just slightly less than what they are doing. That's how they operate, that's the Overton window. It's turning into a WWE spectacle where most of it's fake and people keep buying into team Red, team Blue, so what you can do if you are a registered Republican like myself, and you are still going to vote for them myself, is just stop clapping like seals for them and ask them why they are doing what they are doing and hold them accountable just like the politicians you don't like. That's the only way to win, because at this rate if Republicans keep clapping for these leaders they are going to take you to the same place as the Democrats are taking you."
God Bless,