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Jesuit Infiltration into Bible Prophecy

Writer's picture: Freed From EvilFreed From Evil

Very few people know that the Jesuits infiltrated Bible Prophecy many years ago. They created two systems: Preterism and Futurism. Preterism teaches that all Bible Prophecy was fulfilled and now is in the past. Futurism is the opposite extreme, which teaches that most of the End Times Prophecies are still yet future.

Disclaimer: I want to make it clear at the onset, that I am not a Seventh Day Adventist, nor do I think Sunday worship is the Mark of the beast. Click on the picture below for a more thorough treatise of this subject. This timeline below is only to represent three different views.

Luis del Alcázar, a Jesuit Priest (1554-1613), is responsible for ushering in Preterism.

He wrote a book called, Investigation of the Hidden Sense of the Apocalypse which was 900 pages long. He proposed that all of Revelation applied to Pagan Rome and then the first six centuries of Christendom. He pegged Nero as the Antichrist and somehow also concocted a way to explain away the Mark of the Beast as having happened back then.

In an attempt to dismiss the Covid vaccine as having anything to do with the Mark of the Beast, modern Religious scholars will use this theory to say that the Mark of the Beast has already come and gone such as Religious Service News has done.

Within the same era another Jesuit, Francisco Ribera (1537 - 1591) came up with the Futurist Theory of prophecy. His book was a 500-page commentary on the book of Revelation. Ribera took the last “week” (seven day-years) of the 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9:25, divided it into two 3 ½ year periods, and applied it to a future Antichrist, while avoiding any application to the papal system. Now the truly amazing part of all this is that the Futurist theory dominates Protestant teaching today. About all you hear or read about today is the yet-to-appear antichrist, who will be unveiled in the last 3 1/2 years of Daniel's 70th week, when he declares himself to be God in a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. That scenario, as you can now see, is directly traceable back to the pen of the Jesuit Francisco Ribera. I find the artwork on his cover rather telling.

What was the purpose of this diversion?

It was to point people away from seeing the Papal Seat as the Seat of the Antichrist prophesied about in 2 Thessalonians 2:4.

He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

The book of Revelation has another character called the Beast. An Antichrist is not even mentioned in the whole book of Revelation. The Beast in Revelation isn't even shown as sitting in a temple. However, keep in mind what it says about the Beast. It says that he once was. Revelation 17:11 The beast who once was, and now is not...

He also obtained a deadly wound, that was the Reformation era when the Papacy finally lost it's death grip over the people.

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Revelation 17:8

Many today realize that the Roman Catholic System is Mystery Babylon but they don't realize that they have been deceived into embracing Jesuit interpretations of Prophecy. The Pope has been in the forefront of advocating and pushing the Covid injection.

The Vatican hosted a Conference where they invited Jesuits Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins along with the CEO's of Moderna and Pfizer, two main Covid Pharmaceutical manufacturers. The conference was about how to intertwine spirituality with this whole mRNA injection rollout. Oddly, even Chelsea Clinton was there. You can read about this Conference at my web page. The Jesuit ties run so deep, that the majority of the main players involved in this vaccine tend to be Jesuits! Go to my article: Artificial Intelligence Religion to read more about that.

I heard one pastor preach a sermon in order to dismiss the Covid injection as being the Mark of the Beast. He asked his parishioners, "Where's the Beast then?" Others say that this cannot be the Mark of the Beast because the Beast is not here yet. May I submit to you that the Beast is here right under our noses! This whole notion that he has to sit in a rebuilt Jewish temple is not even in the book of Revelation. For a more in-depth look that issue see my post: Does an Antichrist have to sit in God's Temple? What constitutes God's Temple?

Video Recommendations:

I urge you Brothers and Sisters in Christ, in this late hour, to come out of these Catholic heresies. "Come out of her my people" the Book of Revelation urges. Please watch the short and concise video below which traces the newer teaching of Dispensationalism from it's roots to this present day. These are not the beliefs held by the early Church. Go back to what our heroic Christian Brothers and Sisters first believed when they faced this awful Beast and gave their lives. Read the Foxes Book of Martyrs to find out what they endured.

I also highly recommend you watch the video below. The research that was done for the video below is excellent. I will put some brief descriptive information about the video below for you to reference.

Reformed Pastor Luigi Desanctis said the AMA (American Medical Association), The American Dental Association, and the (FDA) Food and Drug Administration are the arms of the Great Jesuit Conspiracy as revealed in the book by Abate Leone called The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of The Order. 1948. (Read free on line).

The purpose of the AMA, ADA and FDA is to destroy the American people in the name of helping them. By making the people chronically ill these agencies break any will to resist an American Fascist tyranny. The AMA began in the early 1900's.The Jesuits through the Shriner Freemasonry, the Morgans and the Rockefellers in particular began to control the medical education of the young physicians, teaching them to treat symptoms with their drugs. Later came surgery, and then radiation, completing the medical unholy trinity of "cut, burn and poison".

The Massive drug companies controlled by the Knights of Malta were some of the financiers behind the Jesuit's Council on Foreign Relations, which in turn created and then controlled the Medical Inquisitors, the AMA, ADA and FDA purposely to sicken the American people, the AMA and the FDA promoted mass vaccinations.

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